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Walter Murch
In the Blink Of An Eye
Walter Murch's Book has been my bible for the last 2 months.
What solid, practical editing advice.
This was a loan from a fellow student who said that they had found it useful a few years ago. I have devoured it.
Every moment of my video contains some Murch advice about editing, particularly with reference to EMOTION.
"How do you want your audience to feel?
What they remember is how they felt.
51 % of the film should be emotion".
This made sense to me in the context of It's Not A Perfect Story. I had to pull the audience along with the narrative.
"Don't see the image as a miniature..see it as a giant mural".
"A "Blink"(cut)is something that helps an internal separation of thought to take place
We blink to punctuate the ideas that follow"
"Edited film is like a familiar experience...It is more like thought than anything else.."
This was especially important for the context and structure of my film. It was composed of recollection and to make this visual and obvious.
This is a valuable resource if like me you are dealing in a dramatic narrative
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